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Celebrating 10 years of Wonder

Celebrating 10 years of Wonder

We're celebrating 10 years of Wonder with your favorite marshmallows, ice creams, treats, and freebies! 🎈🎉 We've got 50 flavors of marshmallows goi...
Valentine's Giveaway

Valentine's Giveaway

We're spending our last 4 shipping days of the Valentine's season giving away Wondermade Marshmallows and Hot Chocolates! • Wednesday at noon we'll...
10 thoughts about love from a marshmallow expert

10 thoughts about love from a marshmallow expert

  1. Love requires giving. And giving always means someone else ends up with more, while you end up with less. If that's not happening than you're...

TED talk-ing Love and Marshmallows

In July I got to talk about love and marshmallows at TEDxFargo, a remarkable one-day intensive celebration of Wonder. (And yes, ‘wonder’ really wa...

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